Hello Divine Lady!!!
Allow me to share about our upcoming two day Adelaide Self-Care Self-Love Retreat at The Monastery on 25th-26th of March, which is already half filled with divine women… what bliss!
I so look forward to sharing this weekend with you!!! My heart and soul is in this fully, always! I cherish this beyond all that I do!
We will enjoy a cosy small group of approximately 11 women who resonate with this Divine Weekend and all it offers.
Enjoy feeling into it (the details below) and the details below & feel if you are drawn to & called to join us and also whether this is resonant with your divine timing.

This two day women’s retreat will offer you a wonderful weekend away to relax, go within, celebrate who you are, release and heal what no longer serves you.
It is a fully unique experience for everyone, you can use it to create a new beginning, or to deepen and integrate an awareness, or to release old patterns of self-doubt and self-sabotage!
Please note: The food menu will consist of healthy vegetarian food, where you get to choose from a small selected range I have arranged with the chefs to honour the retreat vibrations – so no alcohol the image above is all I could find, to show you the quality of service, but it is not going to be exactly that way, but we can drink from champagne or wine glasses anyway.
I am intuitively guided to draw on my background of:
Kundalini yoga
Neuro linguistic programming
Quantum healing
Timeline therapy
Massage/ Trager/Polarity/Touch for Health
Deep studies into longevity and wholistic nutrition
Sleep research (PhD at Uni)
Deep easeful, graceful experiences of deeper loving self knowing, ability to step forward, in alignment with heart and soul for all for everyone’s highest good, serving love and light.
You will experience divine gifts of:
Intention setting practise (awareness of what you really want) for you to then use at home (you will create your own script and recording)
Very deep relaxation (yoga nidra for deep integration & self healing)
Powerful guided journalling for every day empowerment through this communication with your true self
Enhancing the gift of visualisation for envisioning and creating
Kundalini Yoga Kriyas for deep intuition, organ health and spiritual elevation – Honouring all chakras – your centres of consciousness which affect your entire endocrine system 100%
Nervous system balancing through sushumna channel flow and pineal & pituitary gland health
Dancing & joyful free intuitive movement (plus guided) through the chakras as self-love self union & freedom
Guided Meditation (into past and future) for peace, clarity, acceptance of what is, grateful release and moving forward feeling empowered
Silent Vispassana style meditation
Mindfulness eating meditation -presence here and now
Sacred Garden Walk Meditation – conscious walking and observer state activation
Deeper reconnection/communion with inner child
Self healing: deep dive into gratitude of what is; and your body temple wisdom
Shadow embracing with empowered grace
You will create, using pure high vibrational essential oils, your own take home divine fragrance, for home practise & healing rituals at home
Deep healing, releasing & integrating through sound bath with The Symphonic Gong, Crystal Lyre, Tibetan Bowls and Koshi bells and more
Using your voice to ascend and vibrate higher
Some of the ten light bodies of consciousness practises
Women’s sharing circle: held in sacred safe space, it is up to you to share and be heard, which often is part of the divine integration. Hearing each other’s heart and sharing is very powerful.
Expressing ourselves and being heard is part of big breakthroughs and shifts that align with empowered action and being.
The retreat includes accomodation and all foods, which are vegetarian and prepared by the chefs on site.
Bedrooms are one person bedrooms.
What to bring:
Your own yoga mat
Yourself (and leave all else behind)
Comfortable clothes you love & of course toiletries
If you wish to join us, reach out to me by emailing me or texting me so we can chat if you’re new to my retreats – to see if we are a match and that you will get what you wish from this retreat, a loving immersion and transformative self-love, self-care time! I put my entire heart and soul into this, with integrity and purity to my highest capacity, seeing you through unconditionally living eyes, all is welcome and the weekend is filled with presence, silence, joy, harmony, release, realisation, letting go, celebration and heavenly movement. You, we, all of us can create whatever you/we need. With ease grace ands flow, serving light & love!
You will receive a preparatory email before our retreat and a post retreat email to assist with ease, grace and flow!

In summary, this retreat is created to offer you an opportunity to dive deeper and connect:
- Over two days (weekend), this retreat at The Monastery, Urrbrae, Adelaide, includes catering by The Monastery chefs for morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner for day 1 and breakfast, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for day 2 – all vegetarian food and overnight accomodation is included in this package!
- Dates & times are: March 25th 10 am – March 26th 4pm.
- Absolute blissful contemplative space and I have planned many divine experiences for us all in the location, incredible sacred gardens and cosy & classy environment. You’ll be refreshed and feel amazing! Divine exchange: $590. Deposit to secure your spot: $200. Only 11 spots available. We will be 12 ladies in total.
- Each retreat is always unfolding differently as it is guided according to the women who sign up and attend. You will be part of our unique group fully honouring YOUR uniqueness, capacity, pace and resonance.
Divine you, keep breathing deeply, slowly, consciously, so you can easily shine your profoundly divine light…honour yourself, uniquely from your heart and soul, and all else will fall into divine order more than we can imagine…
What others think doesn’t define you … you are you for a reason.. you decide how you wish to express your heart and soul in this lifetime … from a birds-eye view, from high above, there is full grace, natural order and purpose in all we do – whether we are aware of it or not .. when we are aware, it is just so much more fun! Have fun!!!
Let your inner child be hugged and dance! Check out those magical gardens in the images below … and the venue: Spanish style villa turned into a Monastery … in the foothills of Adelaide, just 10 minutes from the CBD. How awesome!
Unconditional love,