What can I expect at a women’s retreat?
You already know how transformative retreats are, and how we all benefit hugely when we take time out to reflect, release and fill our own cup!
The retreats I hold are the way I always would have loved them: wholistic, sacred and joyful.
I believe we grow through joyfulness, exploration of inner wisdom through breath-work, yoga and meditation. I believe and witness that we thrive when we feel safe to share and are heard with heart centred ears. I see each woman does know what is right and true for her, each woman is creative, inspirational and divine – but often women have been taught to ignore this deepest knowing and truth.
I am here to hold space, facilitate and witness women’s divine unfolding into truth, joy, love and infinite inspired creativity. I am yet to meet a woman who doesn’t have all these qualities within her. This is a safe and sacred space for you.
So what does it take to thrive, blossom and be our very best? Always the same thing: quality “me” time.
This is what I love creating and sharing with women who are ready to honour themselves on the deepest level. And yes, this is a journey. It is unique and perfect for each of us. More about this in another & previous blogs and on my YouTube channel.
So what can you expect on a retreat for women?
Each retreat is unique, below are some of the things (in combination I have offered in retreats:
Women’s Circle (you have the option to share)
Tea Ceremony (Blue Lotus)
Cacao Ceremony – Heart Opening
Intention setting
Art and Yoga
Goal Setting Process
Chakra dance
Kundalini Yoga
Deep Relaxation
Sound Healing: Crystal Lyre (432 Hz healing frequency), Symphonic Gong, Tibetan bowls, Drums, Quartz Crystal Bowls, Kochi Bells of the 4 elements, chakra tuning forks and much more!
Super healthy choices of nourishing and cleansing foods:
Juices, Smoothies and Soup (all vegetarian and organic whenever possible)
Journalling Process to access Your Truth
Cord Cutting Ceremony
Essential oils /aura cleansers /Palo Santo/Incense
Fire Ceremony (sometimes)
Silent reflections
Full chakra exploration to harmonise & empower you to live in deeper alignment with your wisdom and inherent heart knowing.
A journey through time (timeline therapy)
Forgiveness Process
Self Healing
Meeting amazing kindred spirit women
Often you will get notes or hand-outs and /or a yogic home practice
You usually get an email (if it is your first time you will also have the option for a pre-retreat phone chat) beforehand on how to prepare and to connect
Follow up emails can be part of some retreats with 7 day post retreat challenges & support
Usually I ask you to please bring:
Your own yoga mat, blanket, pillow, journal and anything that makes you feel cosy!
Please email me with your interest and we can enjoy a phone chat to connect about your wishes and experiences so far.
M 0424 029 032
To find out more about my background and experience please check my biography and perhaps my YouTube channel, or feel free to ask me questions.
Unconditional love